Monday, September 26, 2011

The Slammin' Salmon (2009) Review

If you're ever in the mood for crappy movies, the quickest way to watch one is to switch on your TV, go to Free Movies on Demand and take your pick. Who actually likes watching these films? The majority is Direct to Video rubbish and there's barely a hidden gem in the mix. But when you just made lunch and hang out with your roommates, who knows, maybe you happen to find something good in there that goes well with pizza and chips.

Well, that's what I thought today when we stumbled over The Slammin' Salmon, the latest movie by comedy group Broken Lizard, known mostly for Super Troopers and Beerfest. I remember hearing about the movie back in 2009 when it was released without any press or commercials on TV. It played in empty theaters and made a laughable $60K worldwide. If you don't get it, these are never good signs and normally point to the fact that you're dealing with a total cinematic turd. But we felt lucky so we checked it out.

The film's plot is more or less an excuse to connect all the poorly executed jokes but if you really care, here it comes: A group of waiters in a seafood restaurant compete to see who makes the most money in one night. Sounds like the perfect comedy plot to me, I mean, Broken Lizard's other movies didn't have plots either and were hilarious nonetheless.

Too bad this film is far from being as funny as their other ones. The timing which is the most crucial element in the comedy genre is mostly off and many gags are either absolutely silly and dumb or just so predictable that the whole mess feels like a bad copy of a much better comedy. The only redeeming quality comes in the form of Michael Clarke Duncan who plays the owner of the restaurant, a Mike Tyson style boxing giant and while he's also not consistently funny he at least has the highest gag hit rate of all the actors involved.

I don't really know what else to say about this film, if you've never heard about it then you probably won't care in the future and if you're a fan of Broken Lizard, then do yourself a favor and just skip The Slammin' Salmon, it's not worth your time.

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