Saturday, September 7, 2013

Robocop Trailer? More like Roboflop Failer (AMIRIGHT?!)

Yes, I made that pun and I am not ashamed of it (at least not too much...)

Honestly, judging from the visuals, Robocop doesn't look half bad. It features a stack of respectable character actors like Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman, Samuel L. Jackson and Michael Keaton and is directed by the talented up-and-comer José Padilha.

BUT (and I consciously spelled this little word all in Caps) why the heck is this film being made? The original by Paul Verhoeven is a beloved modern science-fiction classic that is not just some forgotten piece of tripe. I'm not sure if the makers are aware of it but just one year ago (or if you're from the future, I'm referring to 2012) there was another remake of a modern science fiction classic which was ALSO directed by Paul Verhoeven, that ALSO starred a bunch of character actors like Colin Farrell, Bryan Cranston and Bill Nighy and that ALSO had a very decent trailer. I guess the only difference is that it was directed by Matrix-copycat Len Wiseman and not an acclaimed director. I am, of course, referring to Total Recall (2012).

My point is that the remake of the insanely awesome Arnold Schwarzenegger actioner Total Recall (1990) didn't connect with audiences or critics at all. The original was still too fresh in people's memories and didn't require the remake treatment. So why should Robocop of the 2014 variety should be any different? Will people care? Will it be any good? Let's wait until February 7, 2014 to find out.

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