Friday, August 12, 2011

500 Days Of Summer (2009) Review

As much as I love Hollywood and American movies there's one thing that I despise: Generic formula work. If there's a unique success story the big studios try to cash in on that by blatantly copying and rarely coming close to the quality of the original. One of the most overused genres in that respect is the romantic comedy. Honestly I am not a big fan of these movies, too many brainless Katherine Heigl and Jennifer Aniston vehicles have destroyed my belief in the genre. So you can imagine my surprise when (500) Days of Summer came along. I've seen this film probably for the sixth or seventh time now and I'm never getting tired of it so you can probably guess that this is gonna be another rave review.

The film's basic story is just the chronicle of a relationship, that's it, no unnecessary subplots, everything superfluous stripped off. But here comes the twist: The film's strictly told from the male perspective. Enter Joseph Gordon-Levitt, perfectly cast in the role as Tom, naive romantic dreamer. When he meets Summer, played by Zooey Deschanel, he thinks he has found his match. Unfortunately she has strong opinions against any sort of serious relationships which naturally collides with Tom's idea of dating her.

So what we have here is a romance with reversed roles, a story that jumps between different timelines to contrast their happy moments with their unhappy ones. On top of that we get an amazing soundtrack, two leads with perfect chemistry and a creative use of colors and editing.

You must be a real grump not to be charmed by this film, it does everything right that so often gets screwed up by big budget productions, where they have the dollar sign, this film has heart. If you still haven't seen it then go and give it a try, you won't be disappointed.

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