Friday, March 8, 2013

My 10 favorite movies of 2012

Man, it's already March and I still haven't done a top ten list of movies for the past year. So then, here it is, in all its glory. Keep in mind, these are not necessarily the BEST movies of 2012, they are simply the ones that I enjoyed the most.

Also, I haven't seen every movie that was released in 2012 (I'm only human afterall...) so if some of your favorites didn't make the list that doesn't mean that I consider those films bad but rather that I probably didn't have a chance yet to watch those (like Silver Linings Playbook, Life of Pi and Les Misérables). Or in some cases, they were just disappointing (I'm looking at you, The Dark Knight RisesPrometheus and The Master) or simply bad (Yes, I think The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey sucks and I stand by that statement) or good but not quite good enough to make the list (like Marvel's The Avengers and 21 Jump Street).

But enough of that, let's dive right into the list.

10. Wreck-It Ralph
There hasn't really been an animated film since Toy Story 3 that made me want to go to see it in theaters but Wreck-It Ralph was something I simply had to see on the big screen. The pairing of old-school video games with the main idea of Toy Story might seem uninspired but the execution makes it worthwhile. Beautiful visuals, lots of references to new and old video games, great voice acting and well-developed characters make Wreck-It Ralph one of my favorites of the year.

9. Looper
OK, even if Looper would have ended up sucking, I still would have enjoyed parts of it. I mean, if you haven't seen it yet (and are not convinced), look at the evidence: We have a plot that focuses on time travel and its implications (instant geekgasm right there), the casting of young talent in the form of Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Emily Blunt and Paul Dano, with Rian Johnson a director with a knack for style AND substance, and, of course, the man himself, Bruce Willis. Naturally the plot has logic holes all over the place (that comes with the territory of time travel) and people have complained about the sudden shift of story focus in the second half but that doesn't change the fact that Looper is a tense and fun ride from beginning to end.

8. Skyfall
Skyfall does so many things right that the previous entry in the franchise (the fairly mediocre Quantum of Solace) just didn't. Its setup and look fit right into the Bond universe (including supervillains and outrageous action sequences) but there's so much more to it than simply that. It's gorgeously photographed, has probably the most enjoyable bad guy since Blofeld and a somewhat unexpected (and therefore hugely entertaining) story line. Simply said, Skyfall takes everything that made the Bond movies so much fun in the past and gives it its own unique spin.

7. Goon
This is probably the biggest surprise on this list. That a film starring Seann William Scott ends up being more than just dumpy comedy trash is remarkable but that it becomes one of my favorites of the year is close to a miracle. I've already written about it previously (read it right here) so I urge you to check it out, it has more heart, fun and passion than any sports movie I've seen recently.

6. The Cabin In The Woods
You probably saw this one coming. I already raved about it more than enough (yeah, click me and check out my review) but I can't overemphasize how much fun there is to be had with The Cabin In The Woods. If you're a fan of the Evil Dead movies or any half decent horror comedy hybrid then you simply have to see this film.

5. The Impossible
First of all, if you have a chance to do so then see this film in theaters, no smaller screen will be able to do it justice. The Impossible tells the story of a family and their struggle to reunite in the aftermath of a deadly tsunami. The film's great mix of extraordinary special effects and utterly passionate main performances by Naomi Watts and newcomer Tom Holland will give you goosebumps. No other film this year has tugged so heavily on my heartstrings while still feeling sincere and real and that's why I consider it one of my favorites of 2012.

4. Lincoln
Remember how ticked I was after Spielberg's last two movies, the unbelievable misfires that were War Horse and The Adventures of Tintin? Well, guess what, he hasn't lost his touch after all. Lincoln is a gripping portrait of the final days of the 16th President of the United States and his struggle to get slavery abolished. The film's storyline might sound antiquated but its questions about race and freedom are more relevant than ever. Stellar acting throughout, anchored by the towering and impressive main performance of Daniel Day-Lewis and a magnificent script make Lincoln one of the most enjoyable "serious" films of the year and also one of my favorites.

3. Argo
Is there even a debate about the quality of Argo? I think after winning top honors at pretty much every major awards show this year we can easily say that this one will be remembered quite fondly. What makes this film so great in my opinion is its combination of the qualities of the classic 70s thrillers (All the President's Men, Three Days Of The Condor, The Day Of The Jackal, etc.) with a deep passion for movie-making. In short, Argo works both as a tense and exciting thriller (the last 30 minutes are simply breathless awesomeness) and also as a love letter to Hollywood (with some satirical bite in it).

2. Moonrise Kingdom
There's really not that much to be said about Moonrise Kingdom (I already covered it in another review) other than that if you like Wes Anderson films this one will be right up your alley. The colorful visual style, a splendid musical score, a stellar acting ensemble (my personal hero Bruce Willis shines again...) and a heartfelt plot make this one another masterpiece by Anderson.

1. Django Unchained

And there you have it, my favorite movie of the year is Quentin Tarantino's revenge western Django Unchained. As a fan of Sergio Leone it's a delight to see how well Tarantino adapts Leone's style and establishes it firmly in his own repertory of skills. Don't get me wrong, the film is not without its flaws, it definitely has pacing issues and a very distracting and drawn out cameo appearance by Tarantino himself. But it's also so much fun that you simply don't care about its shortcomings. It's an epic western, a smartly scripted romp through everything that makes Tarantino's films unique and overall an absolute smash.

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